You may have heard it said that the only constant thing in life is change. People, events, and circumstances are always changing, and they do so in ways that aren’t always easily predicted. While it’s folly to recklessly embrace change in all its manifestations—New Coke anyone?—it’s equally disadvantageous to reflexively resist change whenever it occurs. People need to adopt a “Culture of Change” in their lives, whereby they can identify changing circumstances in advance and adapt themselves to take advantage of any new opportunities that may arise.

As you may have heard by now, Garvens Mortgage Group is transitioning to become a branch of Churchill Mortgage. The last couple months have been a period of extreme change and upheaval for myself and the employees of Garvens Mortgage Group. While the transition has been trying at times, most everyone has identified ways in which the new change will benefit them both professionally and personally. Some are looking forward to the personal security a larger company can provide for themselves and their families. Others are excited to implement new systems, software, and resources in their work lives that are only possible by teaming with a bigger organization. Although the transition had some bumps along the way, each of these individuals will benefit immensely from embracing the necessity of change and letting the new circumstances work for them.

The company itself is benefiting from the transition, too. It seems almost paradoxical that often the only way to fully be yourself is to change, but that’s what has occurred with Garvens Mortgage Group. Philosophically, we have been kindred spirits with Dave Ramsey and Churchill Mortgage for years by preaching and practicing financial prudence and discipline. Now, with the scale and efficiency that Churchill provides, we can offer our clients unmatched loan products while staying true to our guiding principles. At every level of Churchill Mortgage, the focus is on ensuring each client is acting in their best financial interests. There is no pressure to maximize loan sizes or put clients into risky products that they can’t afford. This is a very different philosophy compared to many lenders out there, but it’s a philosophy we have always followed.

It has been a phenomenal few months for us at Garvens Mortgage Group and Churchill Mortgage. By embracing change, we’re hoping to help our clients embrace change of their own and maximize their potential. Whether that means turning renters into homeowners or turning homeowners into rental property owners, I believe a financially sound mortgage can help anyone take that next big step in realizing their financial goals and attaining financial peace. We’re very proud to have partnered with Churchill Mortgage. While our name may have changed, we feel more like ourselves than ever.

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