I was blessed to spend Thanksgiving this year in New Mexico with my wife’s side of the family. Growing up in Wisconsin, my Thanksgivings were always fairly routine: turkey, cranberry sauce shaped like a can,...

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We cover a lot of diverse topics on The Jay Garvens Show, from mortgages and real estate to finance and global markets, but every once in a while it’s crucial to focus on a smaller...

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There’s an old quote, variously ascribed (though Google suggests it’s by Will Rogers), that goes: The surest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your pocket. Rogers...

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You’ve no doubt noticed a gradual increase in the number of radio and TV commercials directed at senior citizens. In between the advertisements for adult diapers and golf-oriented retirement communities in Florida, you may have...

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When the market goes up, everyone cheers; when the market goes down, everyone panics. This year alone saw the stock market reach record highs and the bond market reach near-record lows—several times! People react to...

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I’m not sure if you noticed, but it’s election season. And while the title of this week’s show is “Term Limits,” it fortunately has nothing to do with politics. Rather, it’s a continuation of various...

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 It’s commonly said (erroneously, it turns out) that the Chinese use the same word for both ‘crisis’ and ‘opportunity.’ That may not be true in fact, but I agree with the sentiment behind it: moments...

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  If you presently have a mortgage, your mailbox has no doubt been inundated with fliers from mortgage lenders advertising extremely low rates. And it’s true: the days of the 3% mortgage are back. But...

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           You’ve no doubt heard the expression, “make hay while the sun is shining.” When conditions are favorable for productive endeavors, you should use that opportunity to get things done! Well...

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“Fortune favors the bold!” “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Really, there is no shortage of aphorisms and clichés meant to convey this simple truth: If you want to succeed, you must take risks. You must get...

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